Mayor Fuller announces excess of $40 million budget surplus
Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller announced on Friday a surplus of funds totaling more than $40 million in two city accounts. And she's calling for the [...]
Now what? Fuller says Horace Mann work will happen
The vote is over -- but the overrides aren't going away as an issue. After Newton residents approved two tax increases for school construction but [...]
Get Out and Vote: What you need to know
On Tuesday, March 14, Newton residents will finally go to the polls to vote on three ballot questions known as “overrides” that would raise an [...]
Plans for Countryside, Franklin vague and wasteful: Vote no
By Henry Barbaro This Tuesday, March 14, Newton voters will decide on whether the City’s tax rate should be increased by more than 2½ percent. [...]
Not just taxes, trust is also on the March 14 ballot
In her State of the City address last week, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller devoted a significant amount of time urging voters to approve three override measures [...]
Businesses to mayor: Not a good time for an override
As Newton residents consider voting for $15 million in tax increases, many business owners in the city are worried about how those increases would affect [...]