What is The Newton Beacon?

The Beacon is a professionally staffed online news outlet dedicated to news relevant to Newton. It joins a growing national trend toward local nonprofit news organizations that use traditional journalistic tools in a modern context. The Beacon will publish factual, fair, in-depth coverage of city government, schools, local elections, public safety, transportation and other major issues that affect the quality of life in this city.  It will be offered free to all.

The Beacon will adhere to the highest standards of journalistic integrity and editorial independence with coverage of all neighborhoods, reflecting the diversity of the community. It will be an enduring independent news organization serving the public good.

What is the Beacon’s mission?

Through fact-based, independent, transparent reporting, The Newton Beacon will strive to promote an informed and active citizenry, government accountability, and an inclusive forum for debate.

Who owns The Newton Beacon?

The Newton News Foundation, Inc. (NNFI) is the non-profit corporation that operates and governs The Newton Beacon.  It will have a board of directors with no fewer than five and no more than 15 directors whose purpose will be to ensure the integrity and operational success of The Newton Beacon. A key goal of the Newton News Foundation is for the board to reflect the rich diversity of the Newton community that it serves.

How do we ensure editorial independence?

NNFI has adopted policies to help ensure that The Newton Beacon is free from any interference from or influence by the foundation’s board of directors, donors or any parties other than the news team including the editors and reporters. The Beacon may not engage in activities that benefit or are perceived to benefit the private interest of a member of the board of directors or an employee. Each director and employee must give undivided allegiance when making decisions affecting the organization and are not permitted to act in a way that is inconsistent with the purposes of the organization and its nonprofit status.

Who makes the decisions about what to publish?

The Newton Beacon‘s editors will decide what to cover and publish. In accordance with INN membership guidelines, the Beacon maintains a firewall between the Newton News Foundation Board and the editorial and coverage decisions made by the editorial staff. Likewise, there is a firewall between news coverage decisions and sources of all revenue. Acceptance of financial support does not constitute implied or actual endorsement of donors or their products, services or opinions.