Now what? Fuller says Horace Mann work will happen
The vote is over -- but the overrides aren't going away as an issue. After Newton residents approved two tax increases for school construction but [...]
Get Out and Vote: What you need to know
On Tuesday, March 14, Newton residents will finally go to the polls to vote on three ballot questions known as “overrides” that would raise an [...]
Promises, skepticism that override will fix schools’ structural deficit
Of the $15 million in total proposed override tax increases on the ballot next week, the largest chunk -- $4.5 million – would go toward [...]
Early voting starts today
Although the official voting day for Newton's three override questions is Tuesday, March 14, residents can start casting their ballots via early voting from March [...]
Opinion: Vote no on Question 1, City must address core education problems first
By Sumukh Tendulkar The operating override requested by Mayor Fuller is a poorly conceived solution to a problem of Newton city government’s own creation. While [...]
City CFO: Using one-time money for ongoing needs ‘not fiscally responsible’
Gentile disagrees, says it's not so simple As they’ve made the case for $15 million in new tax revenue through three override ballot questions, Mayor [...]
Horace Mann, the other school in the override mix
Third elementary school would be funded through operating override In less than a month, Newton residents will vote on three tax increases tied to construction [...]
City: Override money would help Newton hit climate goals
While a large chunk of a proposed $9.2 million operating override is earmarked for maintaining existing levels of funding for schools and roads, the tax [...]
Officials say tax increase needed to ‘make it all happen’ at new $20M Senior Center
Administration touts increases in tax relief for elder residents; nearly 10 percent of seniors below poverty line Last year, Newton officials approved a long-gestating plan [...]
Fuller: Tax increase needed to fund new Countryside
Newton officials are hoping to get the state to pay for one-third of the cost of a new Countryside School – but they say if [...]
Streets and sidewalks: What will $1.4 million override money buy?
A decade ago, Newton’s roads were in rough shape, with about 45 percent rated in “poor” or “deficient” condition. A proposed override included $1 million [...]
Override basics: history, meaning, cost
In two months, Newton voters will vote on – increasing their taxes? Paying for school improvements? Funding new city programs? All of the above? None [...]