
New Philharmonia Orchestra is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a two-day opening concert this fall, and the mayor will be lending a hand (or, rather, a voice).

Music Director Jorge Soto will lead the concert, slated for Nov. 23 and 24 at Grace Church, 76 Eldridge St., Newton Centre.

The concert will feature Aaron Copland’s “Lincoln Portrait,” which is narrated with President Abraham Lincoln’s words, and Fuller will be the one reading Lincoln’s words.

“It is only fitting that Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller will be our guest narrator for this performance during our dual anniversaries,” Soto said.

Copeland wrote the piece 82 years ago, and Lincoln’s words have been read by such famous icons as Coretta Scott King, Eleanor Roosevelt, Henry Fonda and poet Carl Sandberg.

And soon, Ruthanne Fuller.

The concert will also feature Tchaikovsky’s “Symphony No. 4 in F minor Op. 36.”

“This promises to be an exciting season,” Soto said, who has been principal conductor for New Phil for the past four years. “Not only is the orchestra celebrating 30 years of being part of this community, but this coincides with the City of Newton’s 150th anniversary. We are looking forward to strengthening ties with our hometown.”

Tickets and information can be found at

On Dec. 15, the New Philharmonia will join with the Boston Ballet School for its annual family holiday concert featuring pieces from Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker” and other beloved seasonal tunes.

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