City: Override money would help Newton hit climate goals
While a large chunk of a proposed $9.2 million operating override is earmarked for maintaining existing levels of funding for schools and roads, the tax [...]
Businesses to mayor: Not a good time for an override
As Newton residents consider voting for $15 million in tax increases, many business owners in the city are worried about how those increases would affect [...]
Officials say tax increase needed to ‘make it all happen’ at new $20M Senior Center
Administration touts increases in tax relief for elder residents; nearly 10 percent of seniors below poverty line Last year, Newton officials approved a long-gestating plan [...]
Groups form to advocate for, oppose override
With nearly $15 million in tax increases at stake, local pro- and anti-override are preparing their campaigns to influence Newton residents preparing to vote in [...]
Streets and sidewalks: What will $1.4 million override money buy?
A decade ago, Newton’s roads were in rough shape, with about 45 percent rated in “poor” or “deficient” condition. A proposed override included $1 million [...]
Override basics: history, meaning, cost
In two months, Newton voters will vote on – increasing their taxes? Paying for school improvements? Funding new city programs? All of the above? None [...]