Powering Newton’s Future: Community Networked Geothermal on November 13

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Green Newton invites residents to explore the future of sustainable energy at a special event on Wednesday, November 13, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm at Countryside Elementary
School, 191 Dedham Street, Newton Highlands. Powering Newton’s Future: Community Networked Geothermal, is part of Massachusetts Clean Energy Week and will introduce the community to the transformative potential of community networked geothermal energy systems.

In collaboration with State Renewable Energy, Green Newton will present how this innovative technology can transform the way Newton heats and cools homes and buildings while
dramatically reducing carbon emissions. The event will provide an opportunity for attendees to learn how geothermal technology works, its potential implementation in Newton, and hear directly from industry experts and community members who have experienced its benefits.

“We are thrilled to bring this innovative technology to the attention of Newton’s residents,” said Judy Jacobs, Executive Director of Green Newton. “Community networked geothermal energy has the potential to make a significant impact on the way we manage our energy needs, and this event will highlight the possibility of a pilot project in the neighborhood near Countryside School. Understanding this technology is a critical step in empowering our community to be leaders in sustainable energy.”

Residents in the Countryside School neighborhood who are interested in exploring the potential of this technology will also have the chance to sign up for home visit surveys. The event is free and open to the public. Please register at greennewton.org/powering-newton.

About Green Newton
Green Newton is committed to building a sustainable future through education, advocacy, and community action. By promoting renewable energy, reducing carbon emissions, and fostering environmentally responsible practices, Green Newton aims to make the city a model for clean energy and sustainability.

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