Newton will spend more than $180K on special School Committee election
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
Boston College to construct social work building and recreation facility in Newton
PHOTO: In a meeting with Newton city officials, University spokespeople announced plans for two renovations and the acquisition of a historic home. (Nicole Vagra / [...]
Trial for alleged Newton shooter postponed again
PHOTO: Protesters demonstrate outside of Newton District Court as alleged shooter Scott Hayes' trial is postponed a second time. (Genevieve Morrison / Heights Editor) The [...]
Newton police looking for driver who allegedly exposed himself to teens
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
Pretrial hearing postponed for alleged Newton shooter; protestors respond
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
Newton man charged with Watertown stabbing
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
FinCom approves use of grant money for human resources study
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
Committee approves land purchase for rebuilding Christina Street Bridge
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
Schwartz eager to get to work on Beacon Hill
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
Development unlikely to get affordable housing permit, according to ZBA
The following story first appeared on The Heights, an independent, nonprofit newspaper run by Boston College students, with which the Newton Beacon has formed a partnership. Stories [...]
Exodus: Data shows young adults have left Newton and the state in droves
Young adults have been leaving Newton and not coming back. That's been the basis for the argument in favor of more housing, high-density housing and [...]
Why most public water fountains in Newton don’t work
Olivia Sousa was given an unassuming task as an intern for local nonprofit Green Newton: test all the outdoor public water fountains in Newton. Sousa’s [...]
Josh Morse is forging a new Newton, one building at a time
Josh Morse is dwarfed by the skeleton of cinder blocks forming the shape of a gymnasium, as he walks through the construction site for Lincoln-Eliot [...]
Waste Not: Fulfilled Goods is a new store in Newton that offers sustainable shopping
PHOTO: Left to right: Olivia Sousa, Shara Ertel and Shayla Bellucci greet customers with smiles at Fulfilled Goods. Photo by Genevieve Morrison Inside a small [...]
Candidates get down to business in Charles River Chamber debate
Candidates for the Middlesex 12th district gathered virtually Thursday morning to talk about an array of issues related to housing and economic development, for a [...]