Left to right: Gina Flanagan, Gene Roundtree and Daniel Green have joined the Newton Public Schools administration team. Courtesy Photos
Newton public schools will soon have three new faces in leadership.
The district has hired Dr. Gina Flanagan as the new assistant superintendent of teaching and learning, Dr. Gene Roundtree as the new assistant superintendent of secondary education and Dr. Daniel Green as the new principal of Bigelow Middle School.
All three will start on July 1.
“I am thrilled to welcome Dr. Flanagan, Dr. Roundtree, and Dr. Green to the Newton Public Schools as each brings their own brand of new energy and expertise to the roles, ” Superintendent Anna Nolin said while announcing the new hires on Friday. “All three candidates impressed our administrators, educators, and families with their extensive experience, their vision for leadership, and most of all, their commitment to improving the student experience. I believe each of them will continue to propel our district to new heights, while also addressing areas of needed improvement.”
Flanagan serves as deputy director of curriculum, instruction, assessment and professional development for the ACCEPT Education Collaborative. In that role, she’s managed the development of high-quality curriculum, instruction and assessments for students with cognitive, social-behavioral and physical disabilities from 16 Boston Metro-west public schools districts. Before working for ACCEPT, Flanagan served as the principal at East Longmeadow High School for nine years.
“The Newton Public Schools has consistently been a leader in Massachusetts for fostering innovative and engaging learning experiences for all students, while also prioritizing their social-emotional wellbeing and development,” Flanagan said. “These values have always been a cornerstone of my work in education, and I am excited to collaborate with the entire NPS community in providing our students a high-quality education that also prepares them to be healthy, happy and productive adults.”

Roundtree is currently the secondary school superintendent for the Boston school district and has held several titles in that district, including assistant teacher of special education, biology/chemistry teacher, mentor, curriculum designer, principal fellow and headmaster.
“I’m grateful for the opportunity to join the NPS team and their commitment to academic excellence, educational equity, and social-emotional development of all students,” Roundtree said. “I look forward to joining the Portrait of the Graduate conversation and working with NPS educators to build the relationships that will ensure our students have inspiring, affirming and transformative experiences in the Newton Public Schools.”

Green, the incoming principal of Bigelow Middle School, currently serves as principal of the Field School in Weston, where he’s facilitated leadership for culturally responsive education, social-emotional learning, professional development, child study, faculty and curriculum instruction teams.
“Bigelow provides the opportunity for me to work in a relatively small school where I am able to get to know every student as an individual, but where I also have access to the resources of a large school district,” Green said. “In addition, I believe the diversity of the student body at Bigelow provides so many authentic opportunities for students to learn and benefit from peers who may have perspectives and backgrounds different from their own.”