Political protest with silhouette protesters hands holding megaphone, banners and flags. Strike, revolution, conflict vector background

Political protest with silhouette protesters hands holding megaphone, banners and flags. Strike, revolution, conflict vector background. Illustration strike political protester and demonstration

It’s an exciting time for democracy. We want Newton engaged in it.

The Newton Beacon publishes letters to the editor about a wide range of issues. And that includes elections.

You can submit a letter endorsing a candidate, a referendum or any other election topic.

The Newton Beacon will only post election letters up until a week before the election for which that letter is intended. So letters endorsing candidates in the upcoming Sept. 3 primary will only be posted to the site up until next Monday, Aug. 26. General election letters will be posted up until late October.

Letters are not guaranteed to go into our Newsletter (imagine the chaos if we get an avalanche of letters for candidates), but you’re welcome, and encouraged, to share letters posted to the Beacon onto your social media, in an email, or in a poetry reading if you want.

Other than that, the Newton Beacon’s election letter policy follows its general letter policy:

  • Letters should be limited to no more than 200 words, civil in tone, and address Newton-specific topics. For elections, that means any candidate or referendum that will be on any ballot in Newton.
  • Any assertions of fact should include a source.
  • Letters should be unique to the Beacon. If you’re submitting endorsement letters to multiple publications, make sure the one you send us is specially written for the Beacon.
  • The author of the letter must include first name, last name, and residence city or village, to be included in the published letter. The author must also include a contact phone number for confirmation of identity only and not for publication.
  • Not every letter will be published, and a maximum of one letter per author will be published every two months.
  • Published letters do not reflect the opinion of the Beacon, its editor or board members.

Letters may be submitted to: letters@newtonbeacon.org.

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