

Last Wednesday I watched in dismay as five city councilors placed personal preferences over adults’ rights to use legal products. They approved “Nicotine Free Generation”, prohibiting anyone born after 3/1/2004 from ever legally purchasing nicotine products in Newton.

These authoritarians have decided that, because they disapprove of tobacco use, they may use the state’s police powers to prevent others from using it. Prohibiting adults from buying legal products “because it’s bad for you” is how parents treat toddlers.

Their argument that we already ban lead paint and asbestos, so tobacco is no different, demonstrates that they lack the critical thinking skills to distinguish between environmental hazards, which people can’t avoid exposure to by their own actions, and tobacco, which people deliberately consume despite knowing the risks.

Progressives believe good intentions justify bad policies. These petty tyrants acknowledge that 95% of smokers begin before 21 – WHICH IS ALREADY ILLEGAL – so good intentions aren’t an excuse here. Virtue-signaling councilors have no obligation to protect future smokers from the consequences of their own actions by sacrificing individual liberty. The cynicism is breathtaking.

Newton citizens, urge the full council to vote “no” on this measure next week. Apparently “My Body, My Choice” only applies to particular values of “choice.”

Steven Snider
Newton Center

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