As a journalist who covered Newton politics—and politicians—for more than two decades, I’m writing to encourage voters to elect City Councilor Rick Lipof in the Sept. 3 primary for the 12th Middlesex District, the legislative seat that Rep. Ruth Balser is vacating.
I’ve known Rick since I started covering Newton for the Boston Globe in 2001, and I grow more impressed all the time with his progressive priorities and his dedication to and love for the city of Newton. There are many reasons Rick would make a great state representative—including his positions on issues like housing affordability, the environment, women’s reproductive health and more—but I’d like to highlight something that separates him from many politicians. Rick is one of the least divisive politicians I know and he understands that community is more important than any election season.
In today’s political environment, we need people like Rick at all levels of government—people who live their values and don’t let their egos interfere with serving the people they represent.
Massachusetts residents need people like Rick Lipof in the legislature. Please vote for him on Sept. 3.
Gail Spector
Dennis, Mass.
(Former editor of the Newton TAB)