Next Fix-It Clinic Sunday, 9/15!

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FIx-It Clinic + Knife Sharpening
Sunday, Sept 15 1:15-4pm
Newton Free Library
330 Homer St, Newton MA

Do you have a broken item in your home that you know you could fix with the right guidance? Fix-It Clinics empower Newton residents to fix for themselves, and are totally free! Bring in a broken household item and a Repair Coach will help guide you through diagnosing and repair.

Please use the link provided below to reserve a time slot based on the category of broken item. Categories will include small electronics repair, sewing and textiles, lamp repair and rewiring, computer & cell phones, bicycles, musical instruments, and more!

Knife Sharpening!
Book a No-Cost sharpening for kitchen knives and scissors, by appointment at this event. Maximum of 3 knives/scissors per time slot, one time slot per family. Professional Bobby Mac the Knife Sharpener will be on-site at the Library. Many supplies for this event- and sharpening services- are made possible through MassDEP grant funds.

To schedule a repair appointment:
To schedule a Knife Sharpening appointment:
To volunteer to help do repairs, or to help run this event:

Email inquiries on the Fix-It Clinics:

Fix-It Clinics are run by the Newton Recycling Committee, with the Newton Free Library, the Newton DPW Sustainable Materials Management Division, and funds from a MassDEP grant.

Next Fix-It Clinic: Saturday, December 7 2024

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