Music to Lighten the Darkness

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As the winter deepens and the days become shorter, we take this time to reflect on light and darkness – physical and emotional – and the challenges that we all face during this cold and lonely time. Cappella Clausura offers a performance on these subjects as a spiritual balm, with music by living women composers who speak directly to the challenges that come during this time of year. Please join us for this journey, as we bring you through darkness to light.

Music by Anna Clyne, Ashi Day, Jessica French, Natalie Draper, Dorothy Hindman, Alma Mahler, and some classic Hildegard. Including a performance of Francis Poulenc’s epic and rarely-heard “Soir de Neige”.

Individual tickets are on sale now through the website:, or patrons can charge by phone at 617.993.0013. Single tickets: General Admission @ $35, Student/Under 30 @ $15 and, Card to Culture @ $5. For further information, contact

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